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The Phystech Lyceum Technopark named after Kapitsa in Dolgoprudny is opened

5 September 2023

On September 1, in Dolgoprudny, the grand opening of the MSU-1 GC Technopark of the Phystech Lyceum named after Kapitsa was held. Also, a new symbol and local attraction appeared on its territory — a monument to one of the founders of MIPT, the greatest scientist, Nobel laureate in physics Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa.

The goal of the educational process in Technopark is to increase the interest of students in technological education: studying of natural science subjects, mathematical and IT profiles, educational research and design activities.

"Today the Technopark of the Phystech Lyceum named after P. L. Kapitsa was opened, which will become a part of the All-Russian Natural Science School Cluster. This is an important milestone in Russian education! The Technopark will teach more than 10,000 schoolchildren a year on natural science and engineering topics. This center will become a fundamental platform for all children of the Russian Federation, where they will be able to realize their dreams of creating their own projects in the field of IT, unmanned aviation, robotics, biochemical technologies, space and energy”, — said Andrey Bogdanov, director of the Technopark, executive director of the Phystech Schools Development Fund.

58 laboratories will open in Technopark, the educational process in which will be conducted by partner organizations.

The Technopark was organized with the support of the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov, the federal program of the President of the Russian Federation, the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, the Foundation for the Development of Phystech Schools and the School Cluster Association. Its mission is to train and breed Russia's future technology leaders.