FSK Group

FSK Group is the winner of the All-Russian Move Realty Awards

22 April 2024

FSK Group became one of the winners of the Move Realty Awards, one of the iconic events in the real estate market. The developer was included in the lists of winners in several nominations at once. The award for the best architectural solution was taken by the Sydney City premium project. This residential complex occupied more than 19 hectares on the banks of the Moscow River in the Khoroshevo-Mnyovniki area. He became the first among eight finalists.

Saburovo Club, the business-class residential complex that is being built under the FSK Family brand, received another winner's statuette. The project took first place in "The best cottage village." nomination. Saburovo Club is the chamber complex 10 km from Moscow along Pyatnitskoye highway. It consists of 134 households with an area of  134 m2 up to 250 m2. The architectural feature of the cottages is a large glazing area, severity of lines and asymmetry in the appearance of buildings.

The prize was also awarded to Alexander Lebedev, Marketing and Advertising Director of FSK Group. He became the person of the year in the "Marketing Director" nomination.

Move Realty Awards is the annual real estate award that was established in 2014. It is designed to improve the quality standards for the construction of residential facilities, as well as to determine the best projects in the real estate market. This year there are more than 30 nominations in 10 categories. A jury of top managers, directors of large real estate companies, as well as marketing and PR experts, evaluated the projects. For the second year in a row, residential and commercial projects from different regions of Russia participate in this prestigious professional competition.
