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A new stage of construction work on the territory of the SMFA named after A.S. Pushkin future complex

10 July 2024

Specialists of the Integrated Customer in the Field of Construction company and contractors, including the MSU-1 Group of Companies, have begun a new stage of construction work on the territory of the future museum complex of the State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin in the capital.

Currently, builders are engaged in the construction of engineering, ventilation and heating systems, as well as the construction of internal walls and partitions in the future building of the depository, restoration and exhibition center. In parallel, the initial permitting and design documentation is updated and the issues of connecting the building to engineering systems are resolved. The total area of the two buildings of the center is more than 20.5 thousand m2. The completion of construction and installation work is scheduled for 2025.

The depository and restoration center is a key element of the future museum complex. Its construction will provide the necessary conditions for storing the museum's rich collection, which includes about 700 thousand exhibits of various types of art. Work on the museum town began in the late 2000s, but due to numerous postponements, the object turned into a long-term construction. In 2023, it was transferred to the Integrated Customer in the Field of Construction company for the phased completion of reconstruction of the Pushkin Museum’s main building.

All work at the facility is carried out within the framework of the «Construction» state program with the support of the Ministry of Construction of Russia.

Photo: official website of the urban planning complex of Moscow