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MSU-1 GC entered into a general contract for the construction of the “Terletsky Park" residential complex

4 March 2024

MSU-1 Group of Companies will build theTerletsky Parkresidential complex at Novogireevskaya Str., 5, Moscow. Earlier, the object was recognized as problematic and authorities decided to complete the construction at the expense of the Moscow city budget. The former developer did not fulfill his obligations and was declared as a bankrupt.

The complex will be two monolithic buildings with a height of 1 up to 16 floors with a guest car park and underground parking for 405 cars. Commercial and socially significant objects are designed on the ground floors. The improvement of the adjacent territory involves landscaping, the installation of children's playgrounds, sandboxes, the organization of sports grounds. Within walking distance is the Terletsky urban forest, and Perovo and Novogireevo metro stations.