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The largest St. George ribbon was deployed at the Rzhev Memorial

15 July 2024

On July 14, on the Rzhev Memorial territory, at the foot of the monument to the Soviet soldier in the Tver region, the largest St. George ribbon was deployed. The length of the large-scale canvas is 300 meters, the width is 7 meters. More than 250 people became participants in the commemorative event — mainly volunteers of the military brotherhood, who are looking for the remains of soldiers who fell fighting near Rzhev during the Great Patriotic War.

The Rzhev Memorial to the Soviet Soldier is one of the most recognizable and visited Russian attractions. This is the merit of the MSU-1 Group of Companies, which acted as the general contractor of the project. The monument was erected on the site of fierce battles of the Rzhev-Vyazma operation at the initiative of veterans of the Great Patriotic War. According to the results of the creative competition, the project of the sculptor Andrei Korobtsov and the architect Andrei Fomin was chosen. The memorial is a complex structure saturated with engineering systems. The center of the composition is a statue of a Soviet soldier 25 meters high. In the southern part of the complex, there is a plate with a bronze bas-relief in the form of a five-pointed star. On the alley of granite slabs leading to the museum and exhibition pavilion, metal panels with 62 thousand names of those who fell fighting during the Rzhev operation are installed. The museum pavilion is a multimedia platform with a permanent exhibition. With the help of touch panels, visitors can view documentary photographs, read front-line letters and documents, and memoirs of soldiers. In the museum, you can also see artifacts found during search work, watch footage of military newsreels, get information about the participants in the battles from the electronic archive of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

The Rzhev Memorial was inaugurated on June 30, 2020. President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko attended the ceremony.