FSK Group

Builders completed monolithic work in the office center on Shenogin street

15 May 2024

FSK Group has completed monolithic work in the office center, which is constructing on the territory of Sydney City residential complex in the Khoroshyovo-Mnyovniki area of Moscow. Thus, the building structure is completely built. The builders began facade work. On the ground floor, they began cladding from glass fiber concrete, which creates a voluminous and massive appearance of the building. In addition, masonry work is underway in the building itself.

The 24-storey office center is being implemented as part of a program to stimulate the creation of employment areas (EA) according to the individual project of the Moscow architectural bureau Kleinewelt Architekten. The building with a total area of more than 74.8 thousand m2 of the FSK Group of Companies began to be built at the end of 2022 at Shenogin street, plot of land 2/11.

The center will house office space and a shopping gallery. Different types of workplaces and interaction zones will be organized for employees. The premises are equipped with modern IT equipment, including FaceID, security and analytics systems. The underground level of the building will be occupied by a parking lot.

The territory adjacent to the center will be landscaped. FSK Group will install small architectural forms and outdoor lighting, as well as equip driveways and sidewalks. This will allow to connect the center with residential buildings and transport infrastructure facilities.

The volume of investments in the office center amounted to 7.4 billion rubles. The developer plans to commission the building in 2025. After the completion of the facility, about 1.7 thousand people will be able to work on its territory.
