FSK Group

FSK Group entered the rating of the best employers in Russia

2 February 2024

The FSK Group of companies was included in the rating of the best employers in Russia according to hh.ru. The developer is included in the list of the top 100 large companies in Russia, which is formed from 355 organizations of different industries.

"We pay great attention to the development of corporate culture. FSK Group is constantly expanding its profile and is growing several times. Therefore, it is important for us to create a comfortable and friendly environment for the team. Inclusion in the rating is an indicator of employee loyalty, their involvement in the common cause and attitude to the values  and principles of the company, as well as a positive assessment of us as an employer by candidates, which is extremely important for us", — explains Yulia Itaeva, Vice president of strategy and personnel management.

The online recruiting platform hh.ru has been publishing the rating since 2010. The first list of finalists included 97 companies. This year 2,266 companies competed for the right to be called the best employer, of which only 1,497 made it to the final.

Companies are evaluated based on the results of three stages of research. The first is a survey of company employees on the platform hh.ru. The second is a survey of applicants. Their vote is 40% in the final score of the company participating in the rating. A third study maps the maturity of HR functions in terms of human experience practices.

The inclusion of the company in the rating demonstrates the high level of its corporate culture. As it follows from the research of the hh.ru, this means that organizations take care of their employees, conduct various events, courses so that colleagues feel comfortable.
